This software is easy, interactive and simple to perform a perfect cost estimation.
This Software Contains :
* Menu Driven Quantity Input in L, B, D Format.
* No Graphic or Drawing Interface.
* Facility to Add & Delete Items.
* Easy Display & Editing of Records / Quantities.
* Facility to Edit Material & Labour Coefficients.
* Sectionwise & Total Cost, Over Head & Profit Summary.
* Sectionwise & Total Cement, sand, Aggregate & Brick Consumption.
* Sectionwise & Total Mason, Carpenter, Skilled Labour, Unskilled Labour & Foreman Requirements.
* Diameterwise Reinforcement Breakup.
* Sectionwise Structural Steel (MB/MC/L/Plate /Tube)
* Graphical Representation of Various Costs, Materials, Labour, Reinforcements & Steel Sections in the form of Pie / Bar Chart.
* Facility to Prepare Gnatt / Bar Chart up to 2 years duration.
* Generation of Monthly Cash Flow, Value, Cost, Over Head, Taxes and Profit.
* Generation of Monthly Requirements of Cement Bags, Sand, Aggregate and Bricks.
* Generation of Monthly Requirements of Mason, Carpenter, Skilled Labour, Unskilled Labour & Foreman.
* Generation of Project " S " Curve.
* Item Specifications. ( Including CPWD )
* 41 Nos. of Forms / Format / Templates Including:
Billing, Material Consumption, Labour Consumption, Measurement Sheet, Daily Progress Report, Activity Schedule, Crash Cost Schedule, Delay Report etc.
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